Traveling With AAA podcast

Episode 44: New Year’s Eve Bucket List Experiences

Songkran marks Thai New Year and celebrations include country-wide water fights

In this episode:

Hear about bucket list New Year's Eve activities in the U.S. and abroad, where to go if you’re looking for a tropical year-end party, and thoughts about New Year's Eve weddings. 

Angie Orth:

Welcome back listeners for a little New Year's Eve extra. Last week, Lee Abbamonte and Alexandra Baackes shared some of their favorite recommendations for New Year's fun. In this mini episode, they're sharing bucket list picks, their top tropical New Year's destinations, and they'll also explain why you should be telling all your friends to get married on New Year's Eve. Grab the champagne and let's get this party started.

Lee, what is your bucket list New Year's Eve recommendation that everyone should do at least once?

Lee Abbamonte:

I would say New York is worth going to once. I did it when I was 18 and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world, and then I tried to do it again when I was 20 and I was so miserable, I just left. You know, I did it once—that's it.


Alex, have you done the Times Square Ball drop?

Alexandra Baackes:

I have never done the Times Square ball drop, Angie. I have to tell you, it is for one very specific reason, and that is the concern over the lack of public restrooms.


Yes, absolutely! What are you supposed to do when you wait there for 12 hours? How about the warmest New Year's destination?


In Sydney, the weather's perfect. People are suntanning, they bring beach blankets and lay in the park or on the Circular Quay and it's pretty awesome.


What's it like celebrating New Year's in the summer? It's on the other side of the equator, so it's completely different.


It's just a different mindset. They go to the beach for Christmas and New Year's, they have parties during the day on the beach. People in bathing suits having a barbecue and drinking some beers on the beach. That's pretty much what they do.


Alex, where are you going for beach vibes on New Year's?


I think Thailand has a very famous New Year’s among travelers.


Have you done Songkran in Thailand?


I have, and it was the most fun I’ve ever had. It's a big water gun fight and it takes place in April for the Thai New Year. It's hot and humid and everyone is soaking wet. It's such a great celebration.


Let's go for a unique destination, a place most people might not even think of.


I'll tell you a cool one I did. I was in the country of The Gambia which is in West Africa. A lot of people don't know this country, but it's this small sliver of a place wholly within Senegal. It's actually a really popular beach resort destination for Europeans, especially British package tourists.

It was New Year's 2008 turning into 2009, we just had a blast because we didn't even really plan it. It just happened to be where we were for New Year's Eve because I was doing this massive trip across West Africa and it worked out really well. I had a great time. Probably the most unique place I've spent New Year's for sure.


Let's get sentimental. Alex, what's one of your best New Year's memories?


My parents threw a wild 2000 Y2K New Year's Eve party for all their friends and all their friends' kids. They rented out this raw space in downtown Albany, New York where I grew up and they brought in my Uncle Dave to be the DJ. We all dressed up in black tie and all the parents and kids went wild at midnight. We ran outside to see the fireworks in the plaza. It was just such a fun, incredible core memory for me.

So, my big aspirational New Year's is to someday throw a huge party like that for my big, huge community wherever that may be in the world, and carry on that tradition that my parents created.


You are the best party thrower around, so I will be expecting an invitation to that New Year's party.

For our final recommendation, let's talk about New Year's nuptials. Love them or leave them?


I've been to 2 New Year's weddings, and people were complaining about it and I'm thinking to myself, “This is great because it makes my decision for me.” It's all you can eat and drink, essentially. You're in a confined area with a certain amount of people; they have bartenders; theoretically, they have good music; and theoretically, you're around people you might know. It makes up your mind for you. For me, it's actually nice to not have to make the decision. A lot of people hate holiday weddings, I actually like them because I don't like to have to make a decision.


Excellent point. How about you, Alex? Any New Year's wedding experiences?


I had a very special New Year's coming up on 2 years ago now, when my little sister got married on New Year's Eve in Philadelphia, which was so exciting and beautiful to have somewhere to be all dressed up at a beautiful art museum surrounded by family and friends. But one of the great things that made it so special is they combined the tradition of the Mummers in Philadelphia—who come out on New Year's Day. So not only did we have a beautiful New Year's Eve celebration, we combined it with a local destination specialty.


That is an ideal situation. If everyone I know would get married on New Year's Eve from here on out, I wouldn't be mad about that. I would love every bit of that.


That'd be magical.


If I ever get married, I'll get married on New Year's Eve just for you. How's that?


That would be super convenient, thank you.

Lee Abbamonte and Alexandra Baackes, thank you both for joining us, and thank you to our listeners for being with us.

If you're planning a trip, be sure to connect with a AAA Travel Advisor, check out, or visit your local branch. If you enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe and leave us a review. I'm Angie Orth, thank you for traveling with AAA.

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